Friday, October 26, 2012

Cherry Point, North Carolina

Well, I made it here last night without any flight delays or problems.  The major concern was the snow in Denver, but it didn't effect the flights or me wearing my flip flops haha
I made a bunch of new friends between the airport (i was sitting at the bar next to none other than the Manager of the Miller Brewery, which is actually in combination with Coors.  It's really called MillerCoors, but they keep it on the hush for business reasons.  So, he gave me the information of the Manager of the Coors Brewery so when I go back to Colorado I can get the "special tour" woohoo!!) Then I made friends with a bunch of Marines on the plane (who else is flying from Atlanta to Jacksonville NC? works for me!!) They were all too young for me, but still fun to chat with nonetheless.  They had just finished MOS school and were on their way to Camp Lejeune for the first time:( I was like, Awwwww that's so cute!!  They're not jaded yet!) The kid next to me was from Washington State, and had never been to the East Coast.  We chatted mostly about the country and he was as intrigued by my cotton picking as I was lol
Anyways, it's so nice to be here on the East Coast again.  As soon as I got off the plane I felt the humidity hit me like a ton of bricks, and I loved every second of it!! I felt like I could finally breathe, and my skin all of a sudden didn't feel like it was going to flake off.  Today's shower was amazing, as I felt like the soap was finally being rinsed off my skin.  The water in Colorado is definitely different.  I also never thought I'd be so happy to hear the secada's outside the window...
Although it has been rainy here today, I don't mind at all, as it's not cold and it's not snow...
I can tell everyone back in NY is preparing for the "hurricane" through facebook, like it's the tornado from 'Wizard of Oz'...people here are being a bit dramatic, too.  But really, what else is new? There is more than enough food in everyone's freezer and pantry's to survive the 5 hours we can't leave the house haha
Everyone here at Matty's is doing well, the boys are getting so big, the oldest is almost taller than me (surprise surprise).  They were all happy to see me, which was very nice and heartwarming.  Suzie and I went out shopping to finish off our outfits for the Marine Ball, which is tomorrow night in Myrtle Beach.  I'm so very excited and hope that the increduous hurricane Sandy doesn't ruin it, but I'm sure that it won't:)
Yesterday Jessica text me that Ezekiel loved his postcard so much that he slept with it, and said "it's just so cute I can't even take it" lol what a character(I almost cried).  The boys are so cute, Joey sent me a pic of his cool new hairdo, and Luke called me Auntie for the first time on video chat the other day!! Woohoo!! But truthfully, they are the hardest part of being away...I am blessed to have them in my life...
which anyone who talks to me for two minutes knows hhahah, I am so like my Grandpa...he used to have bumper stickers, t-shirts, and hats all persuading people to ask him about his they had to ask!! lol
Sorry for all those who have been trying to comment on the blog, I really wish it worked bc I would love the feedback, but for whatever reason it is not.  Maybe you have to sign up to google too, I'm not sure and bc I hate this crap so much I cannot figure it out. I checked the privacy settings and it's all set to everyone and public, so it's not my settings.  
But, anyway, my cell service is bad here (and just about everywhere besides NY) so, bear with me if u r trying to text me or anything...I hope u r all doing well, I miss and love yas!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello my dear!!! It's Sotiria. Loving the blog, so proud of you that you did this and I'm sure it was a great experience. Take plenty of pictures and I hope hurricane Sandy didn't get in your way and your mom is safe and sound!
